The regular tour takes 7 days, from Lima to Tarma (Junín) trough the summit of Ticlio, from Tarma to Chanchamayo trough San Ramón, La Merced and Pichanaki.


DAY 1 : Trip from Lima to Tarma (10.000 feet). Stop in La Oroya (the mines city), different lakes and Ticlio (highest point on the road). Duration : 7 hours. Lodging in Tarma.

DAY 2 : Breakfast in Acobamba (9.512 feet). Exploration of Huagapo (deepest cavern in south America/11.644 feet) with natural sculptures of animals, virgins, Jesus Christ, stalactites and stalagmites. Visit to San Pedro de Cajas (13.251 feet), small village in the high mountain dedicated to handicraft, paints, textiles (on the Inca's tradition). Lunch and after, climbing to Cachipozo (salty source) and great panoramic view of the valley. Lodging in Tarma.

DAY 3 : Breakfast. Trip to Junín (13.776 feet). In the pampas (high plateau), visit of the obelisk and museum of the battle of Junín, and panoramic view of the biggest lake of the region (with llamas and birds). Arrival to the high and ancient stone forest at Cerro de Pasco (14.760 feet). Rest in Canchacucho (natural mineral hot healing water sources coming from underground). Walk and discover of the hugh stone forest, between multitude of llamas, vicuñas and alpacas. Lodging in Tarma.


DAY 4 : Breakfast and trip to Chanchamayo, entrance to the rain forest. On the road, stops to observe the geographical differences between mountain and jungle (cataracts and valleys). Arrival to La Merced, the capital of coffee. Lunch at the city. Walk to the first waterfall (catarata del Tirol). During the walk inside the forest, discover of several plants (like orchids) and butterflies. Back to La Merced, walk to La Cruz, highest point of the city, to have a panoramic view of the city, the valley and its big river. Lodging in La Merced.

DAY 5 : Breakfast. Visit to the botanic garden to discover all the diversity of plants and flowers of Chanchamayo. Lunch at the same point (opportunity to try the special cebiche of snails or fried snails, specialty of the region). Trip to the ashaninkas community, introduction of their history, join them to several rituals and see real Indian works. On the way back to La Merced, stop at Kimiri to see its old hanging bridge crossing Chanchamayo river. Lodging in La Merced.

DAY 6 : Breakfast. Trip to Kivinaki to walk inside the jungle to the hidden waterfall of Bayoz. Bath at the natural pools. Trip to Pichanaki (the beach of Chanchamayo river). Lunch (specialties of river fish). Rest on the beach and boat trip on the river at sunset. Lodging in La Merced.

DAY 7 : Breakfast. Trip back to Lima. Lunch in La Oroya.

All this tour is made by comfortable car with private chauffer and a English spoken guide from Chanchamayo.

Extras : visit of Huancayo (capital of Junín) : 2 more days / visit of Pozuzo (German Austrian community) and the Reserve of Oxapampa : 4 more days.

Lodging and meals : the tour includes the car, the chauffer, the guide the entrance to every visited places and the lodging. The tour does not included the meals. During your trip, you will be able to choose between a regular hostel or, if you want more tradition or adventure, the oldest hacienda in Tarma or a natural bungalow in Chanchamayo.

 Hacienda "La Florida" - Tarma                Bungalow - La Merced


For more information about the tour and its price, send us an email with your options (tour and staying) at this email address : 



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